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Batson Chiropractic Group Makes Way For Fall Festival

Batson Chiropractic Group has always aimed to provide the best experience in health care. Whether it’s a fun family event like Pancakes with Santa or the Health & Wellness Fall Festival, hiring a fifth doctor to see patients, or acquiring top-of-the-line rehabilitative equipment, BCG is always exploring ways to improve the experiences of our practice members.

We recently took steps to improve the appearance of the land surrounding our building. Last week, a wrecking crew demolished three small, unused trailers behind the parking lot, creating a good-sized open field. This area will soon be filled in with grass, and it will serve as the site of the upcoming Donelson-Hermitage Community Fall Festival on Saturday, October 24, 2015.

Watch some of the demolition (sped up) in the video below:

Bring the whole family to the Donelson-Hermitage Community Fall Festival on October 24 for fun games, food, the popular Superman-themed inflatable obstacle course, live music, and more!

Visit the Facebook event page to RSVP for updates and reminders.

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