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Chiropractic Care For Wellness

Your Nashville Chiropractic Office Gets Results

Dr. Batson is gentle and thorough!

Common problems such as low back pain, neck pain, and headaches are often treated in our Nashville chiropractic office, but chiropractic care goes far beyond these types of health issues!

Through chiropractic care, we can help our patients regain health and wellness!

Here are a few common complaints that Nashville chiropractors Dr. Frank BatsonDr. Lance McClureDr. Greg Butts, and Dr. Will Siegel help to treat in our office:

Buttocks or Leg pain

One of the most common complaints we see and treat is pain and/or numbness in the leg or buttocks. While most people think it’s due to sciatica, usually it’s a fixation in the lower pelvis and tailbone (Sacro-Iliac Joint), that causes the muscles in the glutes to become inflamed, causing the entrapment of the nerves going down the leg.

By restoring mobility in the joint with adjustments, addressing the tight muscles through soft tissues releases, and utilizing ultrasound/cold laser therapy for the inflammation, this type of injury is very simple to correct. Additionally, we’ll show you some specific stretches you can do to stay well once we correct it.


While there are many different causes of headaches, Duke University’s 2001 study stated that nearly 80% of all headaches originate with neck dysfunction. So, the majority of the time, there is something we can do to help. We have nine different chiropractic techniques we can use to adjust the neck depending on the individual and the condition. We are always very gentle and very specific. We certainly incorporate cranial work, massage therapy, trigger point work, and postural exercises to restore balance and relieve the pain. In addition to these things, we offer Neurofeedback—BrainCore Therapy—that works to restore brainwave imbalances (neurological dysregulation) that can be responsible for chronic headaches/pain.


After my 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago, I went on a search for the best, most effective way to help her without the use of drugs. I discovered Neurofeedback and found out that it has been studied by Duke University, Harvard, and UCLA for over 40 years. It has proven to be effective for treating the symptoms of ADD/ADHD, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD. After I learned more and proceeded to get certified in Neurofeedback, it was an easy decision to bring it to our office to help others with these conditions.


I had watched my daughter have difficulty while trying to focus or comprehend, struggle in school, and experience sudden outbursts and fits. After going through the BrainCore Therapy  and completing the treatments in our office, she began making honor roll, grew to love reading, completed her homework by herself, and rarely had an outburst or fit. I see today how those changes have proven to be long-lasting. It’s made a huge difference in her life and the 200+ individuals that have gone through the BrainCore Therapy in the last several years.

In short, once we have determined that there is an imbalance in certain brainwave frequencies, we help the individual bring those frequencies back into balance through video, audio, and tactile stimuli or positive feedback. If you want to be tested, have your child tested with an EEG, or learn more about BrainCore Therapy, visit our Nashville BrainCore website.

Disc Degeneration Bulges, Herniations, Arm Pain, Leg Pain

After age 12, the vertebral discs no longer have vascular supply. So, when the disc starts to decay, dehydrate, tear, or swell, many times it can’t heal on its own. Because there are no blood vessels attached to bring nutrients to the area in order to heal and there is no way for waste to get out—shots & surgery were usually the only options. That is until recently when Spinal Decompression was proven, with pre and post MRI’s at the University of Colorado Medical Center, to allow the discs in the spine to actually regenerate and rehydrate by causing a negative or vacuum type pressure within the disc.

When this happens repeatedly over the course of a short period of time (usually 2-4 weeks), the results are noticeable and drastic. If you’ve had an MRI that shows disc degeneration or have severe LBP, you have to try Decompression.

Call Batson ChiroHealth Group now for a no-obligation consultation!


Batson ChiroHealth Group | (615) 751-0958